Tuesday, May 3


Today was alright. Went to all of my classes today. Didn't skip any. I think this is the first Tuesday where I haven't. Got home at around 3. Was lazy until 4. Watched my sports shows, Jeopardy, Sportscenter, then played some NCAA 2005. I know, I have 3 tests this Thursday. I'm not going to let that stop me from having fun. But I do plan on studying all day tomorrow.

My mom reminded me that the Mavs game doesn't start until 8:30. My last test is at 7. So, if I spend an hour on the test (we're given 3 hours), and I head home immediately afterwards, I should be home by 8:45. The last CS test that I had took me about an hour and 30 minutes. So, I hope I have this stuff down. I don't want to worry about how the Mavs are doing towards the end of the test. I considered making up an excuse to take the makeup exam, but I figure I might as well get it over with.

Did I mention that I rearranged my room? I switched around my bed and computer desk. My bed is near the window now, but I don't know if I like that. For some reason I hate being near the window. When I'm at my parents', I like to sleep in the living room because it's right by the front door. So, I like being by the front door, but not by a window. Weird, eh?

I can't sleep when I'm facing a wall. I have to hear music while I sleep. If the music stops, I wake up. If any noise interrupts my music, I wake up. I can't sleep without a sheet or blanket covering me. I can't wear socks when I sleep. I can't sleep if I'm facing North. (That one is a bit weird.)

Either way, time for sleep. Any questions?

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