Wednesday, March 2


Only got two looks today. Kind of sucks. But hey, better than none, right?

The first half of the test went alright. I figure I did well, but who knows, I could have made some stupid little mistakes like forgetting an accent mark or something. Then it was CS time, which had me passing out 20 minutes into it. Then I had to fill 2 hours before my horn lessons. Called Brandon, called my mom, ate a small lunch, wrote down some stuff. Lessons went well today. I made a big leap from last week.

I'm kind of in a 'blah' mood. When I rolled out of bed, I heard nothing but raindrops hitting the roof. I thought about getting back under the covers and sleeping for 4 more hours. But then I remembered that I had a test and lessons. Two things I cannot miss. So I forced myself into the shower and left for class. Nothing but rain this morning. With a nice cold wind. Still had to use my ugly umbrella. But by the time I got to campus, the rain had stopped. And then I noticed that my iPod battery was near dead. So, no music for me to listen to this morning. A negative. The cold was a positive though, so I was indifferent.

I don't know. I just haven't felt very useful lately. I mean, it's probably because I've been keeping to myself. Putting up the away message when I get on. But it could be that I've stopped caring. It's just a phase though. Happens every year. By the time you can say...I don't know, some word, I'll care again.

Basketball game tomorrow night. Sweet. I'm going to dominate this time around.

Alright, it's 30 minutes after I started typing this. I'm giving up for now. I'm going to eat some sherbert, study, and go to bed. Why sherbert? Do you really have to ask?

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