Tuesday, March 1


So, student government elections are going on.

There's cute blondes everywhere trying to get you to vote for their party.

I'm not voting.

But I did tell one that I voted already.

And I swear, she was about ready to give herself to me. I thought it was funny.

More on today later.

{Added on around 9:44PM}

One of the habits I've picked up is eating a Powerbar before lunch or after lunch. I'm fine with the taste and it keeps me from feeling hungry. Well, I'm finding out that eating Powerbars and not exercising can make you feel horrible. Powerbars are meant to be eaten before you have some serious exercise coming. If you don't exercise, everything just kills your stomach. So, that explains a lot.

Have the first part of my Spanish test tomorrow. The second part is Thursday, right before another test I have. So, the next two days will be fun. Oh, and Thursday is my last IM basketball game. Unfortunately, this team isn't making the playoffs. We'll finish third in our division, but they only take the top two teams. So unless someone tests positive for steriods, ain't happening. But hey, I'm still going to go out there and give it all.

Got three looks today. Must be the hair. Speaking of which, I need to get a haircut. You know, maybe I should do it Thursday after the tests. I could do it tomorrow, but I don't know. I think I'm going to just practice my horn.

So either way, I'm going to study and go to bed. I want a full 8 hours tonight.

{Added on around 9:53PM}

I forgot to mention. Scrubs today was really good. But it was sad. JD lost out on both chics. That sucks.

March 13th at 11:30PM. Venture Brothers. "The Incredible Mr. Brisby." It's a must see. It was the first one I ever saw, and it's hilarious. Cartoon Network.

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