Friday, December 24


I'm going to answer the next set of questions, even though the commenter did not leave their first name (as stated in post 277.) Doesn't matter. I can deduce it down to three people. And I'm really only looking at one possibility. But, I'll addres the answer of number three in three parts. (Also, I wasn't sure if the "Do you" part was asking "Do you know what I should say" or "Do you know what to say?" Meh...)

1. Physically, I'm as fit as I've ever been. I'm getting stronger each day. Emotionally, I have contrasting feelings every moment. Anger with love. Frustration with relief. It's quite confusing. Although, for the most part, I am content.

2. (Because I'm not sure what you're looking for in terms of a response, I'll just go with the obvious.) I've made the same mistake twice, and I can't let it go. I want to. I want to move on. I was fine before I repeated. Also, I tend to linger too long on one issue. So I think next year is going to suck too. If it took me two years or so to get over the mistake the first time, it will take longer this time.

3. Whomever did comment, your response is one of the following:

Person 1: When friendships are rekindled, I can be happy with that. It's a nice feeling to know someone wants to see what I've accomplished so far. But when things get too emotional, I tend to bail out. Having a nice conversation is good. Poems that unintentionally make me feel guilty...not so good. So, back to quiet mode I go.

Person 2: You don't have to say "I'm sorry" or anything like that. We've known each other for over 5 years. So we didn't talk for an entire semester. You're not the only one I haven't talked to all semester long. Hell, there's people I haven't talked to since graduation.

Person 3: If the chance existed (a good chance) then I would quit everything for you. But, I can't do that. As good as it would be (for both you and I), there are others who depend on me as well. So, assuming there is a good chance, it is best that I ignore it. And if there's no chance at all, all the more reason to keep to myself. Judging from what I heard the last time we were in the same place, there is absolutely no chance. And that's completely acceptable. If you depend on me, I'm shocked. You're a very independent person. Say "Stay" and I'll stay. Say "Go" and I'll go.

Now, because I do not want to drag anyone into this, I will not give any person's name, first or last, on this blog for the questions thing. If you need names, email me. Or call me. Or text me. Or IM me. There are many options.

Now, on to the next set of questions...whenever they arrive.

{Editor's Note: There is a very slim chance that the person who commented is not one of the three people FBombAndy thought of. They could be a reader of his old blog, or they could have come from, or they could have come from another's xanga or livejournal. If that's the case, sorry I didn't answer your question.}

1 comment:

jamie said...

okay, so i dont know u personally...but the question game is fun. so here's my effort...
1)if you could be anybody for one week, who would u be and why?

2)what are 3 things you want to do/achieve/see before you die? (i guess thats kinda 3 questions...sorry)

3)what would u say is your biggest flaw? biggest attribute?