Thursday, December 9


By this time tomorrow, we will all know where I stand. I will have taken my first final of the semester. I'll also have attempted to create something more out of something. Vague? You betcha.

This is my plan. I want to go to sleep sometime around 2, wake up at 10, take my daily morning shower, eat breakfast, and catch the bus at around 11. That means I should be on campus by 12. That will give me plenty of time to study just a little bit more before the test. It will also give my a chance to cool down and relax. I find that if I think too much before a test, I usually screw it up.

Those who have played basketball with me know that I have what they call, 'a lot of heart.' When I get hurt, or I just start tiring out, I keep on playing. I don't like to stop. When I'm playing basketball, 70% of the time my mind is completely empty and free. The other 30%, I force myself to think that I'm playing in front of someone or some people. When I feel under pressure, my heart rate shoots through the roof and I get a sudden second wind.

As I prepare for tomorrow, I'm slowly increasing my heart rate. I want to push through to the end. I don't want to walk off of this court without a smile. If I'm going to walk away with a loss, I'm at least going to know that I gave it everything I had. If my best isn't good enough, then so be it. (Leave it to me to use a basketball analogy for this situation.)

So, I just realized that this post has taken me 40 minutes. I found myself completely spaced out for about 20 mintes. By the which, T-Mac is insane. 13 points in the last 35 seconds to stun the Spurs. I've found more inspiration...

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