Friday, September 24

Premature eruption...

Alright, that's it...

I am sick and tired of all this low-carb crap. People are into this eating healthy and low sodium, low sugar, no fat... It's all marketing dribble! If you want to waste your life counting amounts of nutrients in the food you eat, then you're pathetic. Do you also measure the individual servings and eat only that? Pure crap.

Was close to dropping F-bombs and S-bombs, but I didn't. I do feel like one of these posts, I'm going to let loose with a "four-letter word" Apocalypse of sort. Wait for it...Or encourage me. If I get enough approval, I won't hold back anymore. Considering that this is fbomb.blogspot...I should be dropping F-bombs like crazy.

Jury's still out on whether or not I like chics cussing. I think it depends on the chic. I mean, some people can cuss with no effort and it sounds fine. Other people force it out, and that's so terrible.

Haven't cussed in a while. Have punched stuff, but that's different. Throwing right hooks to a futon is nothing. Boy, was I pissed!

1 comment:

SportsGal said...

You would like this then:

I think the fad diets are BS too. Portion control, eating nutritional foods not empty calories, and getting enough exercise are ain't rocket science.