Wednesday, September 29

What if...

For some odd reason, I feel compelled to write about something that happened earlier today.

As some of you know, I take the bus back from school. It doesn't stop right in front of my door, so I have to walk just a little bit. As I was walking on the sidewalk, a red truck was swerving across all three lanes. Not one lane, not two, but all three. At one point, I looked up from the ground, and saw the front end a few feet away from me.

He pulled back towards the road, and he completely missed the sidewalk. His swerve continued a little further on, and then he stopped at a red light.

From a blimp, the wave the guy's path created had a tangent which intersected my point of existence. Had he gone straight maybe 10 feet further, a major collision would have taken place.

And yet, I did not jump. I did not yell. I did not dive out of the way. I merely watched the truck come at me. I felt no fear. And that bothers me...

The guy could have been drunk, he could have lost control, any number of situations could have been the case. And nothing went through my head as it happened. Nothing. Pure emptiness.

It just makes me wonder how desensitized I am. Of course, we all know I have a short fuse. But I mean desensitized in the qualites and/or feelings that make us human, like the fear of death and the unknown.

In other news, Milton Bradley of the Dodgers is my hero! If I played baseball, no doubt I would be just like him.

1 comment: said...

We all react differently to things ... I prolly would have been angry rather than scared. I don't think you are desensitized, but rather in control of your emotions. That control is something many people have not learned.