Tuesday, September 6


Ugh. Today has sucked pretty bad.

I missed a discussion section. I just forgot about it. I'm going to email the TA tomorrow and let him know. I just spent the past 3 hours working on some homework. This EE 316 class sucks! You take a test over a chapter, and if you miss one question, you have to do all of the questions at the back of the chapter. So, I got every question right, except for 2 parts of 1 question, and I have to do homework over stuff I got right on the test! That's incredibly stupid and it wastes my time! Make me do the problems over what I missed and let's move on! Stupid TA...

Oh, and I have to wake up early tomorrow. I have to get my French Horn and meet up for my lessons. Then I have to drag my horn around campus since all of the lockers are in use. That sucks! A French Horn doesn't weigh a ton, but it wears you out after carrying it for 20 minutes. I think I'm going to skip my 3 - 4 class so I can just get home with it.

Alright. I don't have much else to say. I really just want to go to bed. Maybe do some light reading. I don't know.

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