Monday, July 4


Usually when I'm posting I am also on AIM. Well, not tonight. I realized a couple of hours ago that I have a presenation tomorrow. Tuesday. And I haven't even started. So, for the next 11 or so hours, I will be hard at work. This means not being on AIM.

And also, I haven't posted in a few days. I'm still alive.

Alright. Time to work.

{Added on around 1:20AM}

I finished, I think. I'm certain I have an answer, but I do not know if it's the answer I'm supposed to find.

I'm tired. OK, not really. I slept until 11AM this morning. So what now? I don't know. But I do know that I've reconsidered my position on talking on the phone. I was sitting on my bed right after I finished, and I realized that my phone is going to be quiet for quite some time. That's no fun. And considering the fact that I have thousands of Rollover minutes, I should really be open to using my phone.

So, if you have my number, call me anytime. Especially between the hours of 10PM and 1159PM. That's when I'm itching to listen. And I really mean this. Besides, some of you out there have soothing voices...

Alright, I'm going to get some sleep.

Song of the Moment: Queens of the Stone Age - Medication

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