Saturday, June 25


Sorry, it's been a while.

First, I want to say that I do appreciate what Michael Finley did for the Mavericks. I have a great deal of respect for his loyalty. But I am a realistic person, and I can't imagine Finley sitting on the bench or producing the same numbers as he did years ago. I think a Chicago Bulls uniform would suit him well. I don't hate Finley. In fact, I don't hate anyone that is a part of the Mavericks Organization.

Second, for the reader(s) I have that know of lucid dreaming and such, I did have a lucid dream last night. For the most part. I was able to think before every action and I observed every minute detail of my enviornment. But I was not able to control that same environment. As for the subject of the dream, it is not something I wish to discuss. I just wanted to tell of my experience.

Now I'm not so sure that I will have a podcast up by Sunday night. While I do have many things to talk about, I am still searching for a format I can use. It is kind of nice that I am the only voice you hear, but I'd like to think that I can add more. I feel like I need to come up with bits, catchphrases, and an ideal length. I have high expectations for whatever I may create. If I feel that I am doing a bad job, or just an average job, then I will move on to another project.

I hold myself to a high standard, so when I don't do well on a homework assignment or I just don't do something right, I become frustrated with myself. I set out to learn and improve. I never want to take a step backwards.

If you've known me long enough, you probably know that I excel in very few particular subjects. I love phsyics. Not so much the electron and particle area, but the mechanical side. Velocity, gravitational pull, torque, just anything like that. But besides physics, I am not an expert at anything. Sure, I can program in java, c++, and html. I can write music, play the french horn, play basketball, read a schematic for an amp, set up a home theater system, and do laundary. But I am not the first person to call regarding those skills. I'm probably not one of the first twenty. They are things I know how to do, but not how to do well.

Alright, that's enough. I don't want to bring myself down too much. I think I'm going to sleep for a while. I didn't wake up until 10:45AM this morning and that was awesome. I hope to do it again. 9+ hours sounds really good right now.

1 comment: said...

As a friend of mine would put it, "BAH!".