Tuesday, April 19


Today has been alright. Spanish was simple and I skipped my other classes. I decided to go practice my French Horn. I have this piece that I'm working on and I really want it to be great. There's a chance I could be performing it in front of the top French Horn professor here at UT. Makes me a bit nervous, but I'll handle up on it. It's an opportunity that I need to grab.

I've been having trouble with that lately. I don't open the door when opportunity knocks. Last night this chic IMed me looking for an Audioslave. Totally random chic. She seemed cool, and I probably should have found out who she was. Alright, so I did ask her. She's a student here at UT who found me through the Facebook. I quickly found her and her picture. She's kinda cute. And she likes Audioslave, A Perfect Circle, and Radiohead. That's definitely good in my book. She offered cookies. Sweet!

My friend Anh apparently hasa bunch of admirers on Facebook. They beg her for pictures of her sexiness. I can't wait! Heh heh heh...(Alright, that laugh wasn't meant to be seedy or anything. Sorry.)

So, just a little basketball talk. Greg Anthony of ESPN is picking the Mavs to beat the Rockets. But the other guys on NBA Nation are taking Houston. What the hell?! Just two days ago they were picking them to win it all. Or at least get to the conference finals. What abunch of flip-floppers! I'm still sticking with the Mavs in 6.

Oooh, Bradley hit his first five shots and had 12 and 7 in 17 minutes. Sweet! But I still like it more when he claps his hands and the refs give him a tech. I swear, the refs have a hidden camera just on Bradley, and whenever Bradley blinks they take notice. But it's awesome. The Ticket did a bit on him with their Shawn Bradley Action Figure. Funniest thing ever.

Stopped by the convenience store on my way home. Wanted some GummiSavers. Those things are pure ecstasy. OK, maybe not. But they are damn good. I also picked up some of those Reese's Cups, but the ones that are more peanut butter than chocolate. They're having some vote thing to make a new product. I like this one. I should go vote.

I think I should do something in politics. Just to try. I hate discussing politics. But the way I could attract people from the left or right might be something to toy around with. As I said, I know how to persuade people to do something I would.

I did wake up early and get my hair cut. He did a good job. There's still some blonde left. Oh, I love the day after I get my hair cut. Chics look and make it obvious. I love it. Well, honestly, I only remember two chics staring at me. But maybe that's because they were the only ones I caught. They weren't bad either.

My thumb is still messed up. It doesn't help any that I keep hitting it against things accidentally. Like a desk, or a counter. There was a bluish-green spot for a while. I still don't think it's broken. And as long as I think that, I'm not going to a doctor.

If you haven't heard it already, listen to Queens of the Stone Age's song, Skin On Skin. It's the funniest song I have ever heard. Really. Now, if you just read the lyrics, you'll think I'm the biggest perv ever. But I'm telling you, you have to hear the way he sings it. That transforms the song from dirty to comical.

Alright, I'm going to start some homework that's due Thursday. I know, I'm actually starting and it's not the night before! Amazing.

Oh, and one last thing. My friend from Spanish Lab is at the Ashlee Simpson concert here in Austin. What should I think about that?

{Added on around 10:47PM}

My dad made a hilarious comment earlier today.

"Why can't the popes come up with an original name? If I was pope, I would name myself Ebeneezer or something."