Tuesday, February 1

336 - Pissed

OK, so I'm super pissed off because two pizzas that were supposed to get here 30 minutes ago aren't here. I haven't been this pissed off in a quite a while, and I feel that I need to take out this anger and frustration.

I know it's not the driver's fault. I completely understand this. So how can I take it out on the actual pizza place? By the way, this place is Domino's. I love this pizza, but not enough to accept this type of service.

It's a friggin' Tuesday. It shouldn't be as busy as, oh, say a Friday. Or this Super Bowl Sunday. What is the hold up? I mean, do they have a competent staff? Do they know how to turn on the oven?

I hate confrontations. I really do. I am the first to turn and walk away from a situation. Call me cowardly, I don't care. I'd much rather forget the whole issue than sort it out.

I want to call the place up and verbally abuse everyone there. But that's against who I am. I'd rather not create a scene. Verbally abusing people is fine. Creating a scene is not.

I'm usually not a mean person. I'm usually the sweetest guy you will ever meet. That's becasue I want to be perfect. Having vengeance and anger is the furthest from perfection. I am so conflicted right now.

There was a time when I was extremely cruel. I would make people cry and laugh about it. I've come a long way since then. But things like this really get my blood boiling. It's a pizza, I know. But the later it gets here, the later I have to stay up (you're not supposed to go to sleep right after you eat) and that means I'm going to be very upset tomorrow morning. I don't want to be upset tomorrow morning.

I want to eventually be as perfect as I'm allowed. But I really want to give up. Well, I don't want to, rather I feel like it's the only option. I feel like everytime something bad happens, it's just another link in the long chain of events that is my life. Whether it's a minor thing, like a late pizza, or it's falling for someone I can't possibly have, it sucks. I'm running out of patience, but I also know that I'm only 20. Good things will come eventually.

God I need a morale boost.


rowdielou said...

Morale Boost:

You're hot you're hot you're hot you're hot you're hot!


missy_a_n said...

How's this for a morale boost? That was the funniest thing i've read in a while! ;-)