Tuesday, January 18

322 - Start

Things went OK. Nothing terrible happened. Well, except that during one of my classes my stomach started growling really loud. Kinda sucked. But otherwise, I think that things will go well. Tomorrow I get to check out some other classes, and I hope there's good things going on in there.

Ok, yea, that paragraph sucked.

Woke up at 4 in the morn. Felt rested. I guess my body thought I was just taking a nap. I forced myself to go back to sleep. Got another 3 hours in before my alarm went off. My alarm has to be the worst thing ever. It sounds like one of those alarm bells that you find in a firestation. It wakes me up, and that's the goal. Didn't have good batteries for my MP3 player, so I just sat on the bus with earphones on. No sound from the earphones. It just keeps me from engaging in meaningless conversations with bums, hippies, or such.

Went to the mall and shopped around a little bit. Got a new long sleeve shirt. Pretty sweet. All I have left to do is get some comfortable dark brown shoes. I found some Nikes on sale at the Finish Line, but I didn't go through with it. Once again, I find something I like and I tell myself "no."

I'm really going to try my hardest to post everyday. I don't know if it'll hold. Since classes are starting, things are getting boring. I haven't figured out what time I want to devote to posting yet either. I was thinking about doing it once I get home, but the first thing I want to do is take a nap. Before I go to bed seems like the best option. Willing to accept suggestions.

And with that, good night.


apples said...

Meaningless conversations? You wanna avoid meaningless conversations? I'd kill for a meaningless conversation (well, not literally...). We don't have those where I'm from (Norway's a cold country in many ways); you don't talk to people you don't know. You don't smile at people you don't know. Sometimes I do, and the other person looks at me like I'm high on something...

you have a special time for posting? and you're looking for dark brown shoes? wow that's amazing... I couldn't plan anything like that (posting OR shopping). I can almost see you sitting there, wondering when is the best time to tell us all what's going on, although I've never seen you :)

FBombAndy said...

Just the meaningless conversations with bums, hippies, and such. They usually don't have the best of breath early in the morning. And I'm not a morning person by any standards. But I do get the same reaction when I smile at someone.

I'm very detail-oriented. If I don't have specific information or a solid plan, I freak out. When I go with someone to a store and they say that they have to stop at another place along the way, I get really angry. I'm not sure why that is. I'm sure if they said it before I jumped in the car, I'd be fine with it.

But you're right. I usually sit at my computer, think about posting, and then walk away to see if I can gather more interesting stories. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go put on my 'pondering' face.