Monday, November 15


Waiting for this classical station to play some French Horn Trio so I can record it. I can't find a recording anywhere. Spanish project is rolling along. I think it might come out nicely. Saw an example in class today, and I don't think it's hard at all. Even though the script is about a chic, guys still have to read the parts. Kind of gay. A Perfect Circle has a DVD + CD thing coming out today. I'm going to have to stop by Target or somewhere to pick it up. Should be good. I think the Trio is about to start. I hope so. Spanish tomorrow and lab for my music class. The TA that does the lab is really funny. She's more entertaining than any other TA I've ever had. Sharapova beat Serena, and man she has long legs. She's probably 5 inches taller than me. Maybe more. If only she were legal. Left shoulder just popped. I want to play basketball this Friday. Probably will.

In a good mood overall.

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