Sunday, October 3

Almost there...

I have pics on my phone that I would love to share, but I'm still working on that. Cingular makes you sign up for some media package, so this might take a while.

Baseball playoff teams are set, so let's just end it now and say the Yankees win. Save a ton of time and lives. Baseball bores me to death.

Thought I would feel better today, but my muscles are still killing me. From what I can tell, I must have pulled both of my shoulders at the start. If I lay down on the ground, I can't get up. My arms are really that sore. I figure I'll run some ice water over them tomorrow morning and see if that helps.

Logic, Spanish, Music, then my lab for Logic. It's gonna feel long tomorrow. The hour break between Logic and Spanish really sucks. I get to the building, hang out in the cafeteria and watch ESPN, then I'm off to class. Gotta get my seat. Although, I am thinking about changing seats. The corner I like also has the generic sorority blondes that love to talk really loud. So maybe I'll move to the other corner. I like blondes and all, but the talking is too much. Besides, I'm going into my brunette phase...or rather, I'm going into my "non-blonde" phase.

"I know how to shut her up.
Oh, really? What do you mean?
You know what I mean...(wink wink)"
(I love The Ticket. Some of the funniest bits are there.)

Long day. But that's ok, because I'll still have time to goof around when I get home. The usual come home, turn on the com and music, fall into that state of half-asleep, half-awake. Then, watch Around the Horn and PTI. Lay around until I, Max comes on. Go back to com. Monday Night Football. Then sleep. How great is that? I'm such a lazy person. And I don't work hard. It's a flaw, but I can live with it.

But for me to get to tomorrow, I must go to sleep now. Oh man, those French Toast Pop-Tarts are sooo good. Really. Orgasmic. Ok, not that good, but close...

1 comment: said...

Sex with Pop-Tarts ... American Pie all over again.