Saturday, August 21

More ballin'...

Played B-ball again. Came in cold (meaning I didn't practice at all) and I shot extremely well. Probably only missed two shots overall. And this was a game of 25. I hit one very improbable shot over B from the corner. But straight up, I was on a roll. B and I teamed up against my bro and my dad, and we won that game too. Everything just worked. We lost the next game, and then I sat out the fourth 'cause my bro racked me accidently. Some guy showed up at the court to impress his woman. Yea, he sucked bad. Little dribble skills, and he wasn't a team player. You must first learn to put the ball in the basket, then practice your dribbling. People watch too much of those And1 Streetball tapes. I feel bad for his woman. She wasn't attractive anyway. I'm so mean...

Hip is still pretty bruised, and I don't think the doctors cleared me for basketball this soon. I'm a glutton for pain. No matter if I walk around a little bit. No matter if I kneel down. I'll keep playing, just give me one second. I like it...

So yea...I guess everyone is heading back to class soon. I know I go back on Wednesday. That kind of sucks. But I think I'll be fine with it. I did want to stack my classes on MWF, but that won't happen with the addition of Spanish. Oh well...

That's really all I have. Things are a bit boring online right now. No one is on, and no one is awake. Oh well...

1 comment: said...

Sorry, for being such an old man. For some reason the past week just really wore me out ... but 2 in the AM ain't all that early. I made it that late at least. Anywho, had a blast just chillin' this weekend. Man, I wish you were up this way. Aight man, good luck in classes and I'm sure we'll get into some more trouble soon.