Monday, July 5

Later, Nash...

I hate to see him go. Yea, he's getting old. Yea, he might not be too durable. But he is at least one of the top three point guards out there today. As Michael Holley said on I,Max, "He isn't selfish. He can shoot free throws. He can shoot the three-ball." Great player, but not max-contract worthy. 55 over 5 is a little much. 40 over 4 is what I would offer. But eh, I'm not the GM.

We do have other points on the roster. I can only hope they give better performances on a consistent basis.

It is true what the newspapers say. With Nash gone, Dirk has to continue to do better each year. Even more so this year. We get to see if Dirk makes players around him better." (Look at David Moore's column in The Dallas Morning News.)

People jump on T-Mac, saying that he doesn't improve players around him. What if Gooden is a solid 5 and 5 player, but with T-Mac, he's 10 and 10? What if those Orlando players were playing better than their normal? We won't know for sure until this season though.

As I've said, with Shaq demanding a trade, the Lakers have no leverage. They can't force the deal. Time for Nellie and Cuban to realize this and offer Abdul-Wahad, Delk, Bradley, and Walker for Shaq. I might be exagerrating on what you can and can't offer, but you get my point.

Either way, gotta check out a book and go to class. Have a paper due on Thursday, so I don't know how much writing I'll be doing on this. Good news is that I should be getting my cable connection this week or early next week. Yea!

1 comment: said...

I think Nash is probably the second best PG in the land, considering Payton doesn't get to play and I still consider Marbury a SG. Franchise is up there, but not consistant. Cassell IS better than Nash, but he plays like a veteran until it's time to show up (e.g. the playoffs --- dropped 40 twice). With all that, I say this: He left for the money ... knew he couldn't get it anywhere else.

Shaq will be a Laker at the beginning of the year, but look for a trade once Kobe starts bitchin'.

Gooden is a 10 and 10 guy on his own --- last year was only his second year in the league. T-Mac will make Yao better, but the rest of the team may suffer. What the hell, that's just LA all over again.

I'm interested to see Dirk's numbers this year ... you know how I feel about him, so I'll leave it at that.