Sunday, May 9

Tragedy, changes, luck...


I hate seeing things like the above. It really sucks that it happened here. Of course, it's a tragedy no matter where it happens, it just bothers me a bit to know I could have walked right by him and not even know it. I don't know.

Spent most of the weekend at my bro's. Saturday night, my bro, Fel, E, and I went to Chili's and then to go see Van Helsing. All I can say about that is Chili's was definitely the highlight. That movie sucked bad. It had some nice effects, but that's all it offers. The story sucks, the ending sucks, the cheesy jokes suck. There is so much potential for the character, and someone else should have taken hold of this movie. Chili's was alright, just had a regular old cheeseburger. Sat back and admired some of the waitresses.

Blogger changed, so I figure I might as well change my blog as well. I hope everyone likes it.

Most of the parents have predicted that my nephew will be born this week. I hope they are all wrong! I have 4 finals before the end of the week, and it would be too hard on me to show up at the hospital and then have to rush back for a final or two. Especially if the baby comes at night. I know that with my luck, he will be born on Friday night. With 2 finals on Saturday, it makes sense. I know I know. I always talk about Lady Luck being by my side. It only applies to gambling. Never applies to real life situations.

Orange juice mixed with Midori, 2 parts to 1 respectively. Forgot what it's called. I just remember that it's really good. Wish I could have one right now...

1 comment: said...

Saturday finals? That sucks ass! Tell your bro and Fel I said congrats when little nephew pops out. BTW --- with this new blog setup (probably changes by Blogger) I had to create an account and a blogspot to be able post comments to your blog. While my blog will not be super fabulous I will try to post on it.