Wednesday, April 21

Don't know...

Had dinner with E. Well, more like dessert. He hadn't eaten, and I was a little hungry, so I went after some cheesecake. Not the greatest, but good. Still discussing academics and what not. I'm still working on it.

Wanted to play ball today, but didn't. Want to play ball tomorrow, but can't. Well, I don't know. I might go to the courts and just shoot around a little bit. Practice makes perfect. And if all I work on is my shot, that puts me in good shape.

Don't know about this weekend. Want to go to the Forty Acres Fest thing. I might. Really though, this weekend I feel like sleeping all day, or at least just relaxing. I feel drained. Don't know why either. I haven't been taking tests all week, and I haven't been playing ball all week. There's no reason for me to be drained. Although, with the recent turn of events, I'm free to work on my paper all afternoon tomorrow. Except for when I'm out shooting of course.

Oddly enough, now I feel frustrated. I want to blow things up. I want to destroy things. Like an alarm clock. Don't know what's gotten into me...

Well, I've got to read some book before I go to bed. I'm out.

(I've got this bad feeling about this weekend. Something's not it's supposed to rain all weekend. Just a bad feeling, I suppose...)

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