Thursday, April 29

What can I say...

Depression. Anger. Frustration.

I have it all.

Until October, I can't watch another Mavs game. All I can do is keep up with who's fired/hired/traded/released.

I was sad when The Duncans knocked them out of the Conference Finals. There is no word to describe what I'm feeling right now.

I'm out for the weekend.

Wednesday, April 28


Relationships are quite something. Friendly relationships, more-than-friends relationships, and the much more advanced relationship.

The classic story is for a girl and boy to become friends at a young age and grow up together. As they pass out of puberty, they experiment and start to develop feelings. First date, supposed to be a school dance, and then finally the boy asks his father for the keys to the car. Makeout. Seriousness. Committment. The boy proposes, and things are far advanced.

I remember writing a post on natural couples. There is a set of criteria for all pairs of people that determine the status of their relationship. Things get confusing when things fall right on the edge. Flipping a coin, and it lands perfectly balanced on the edge type thing. Confusion is horrible, and I should know, because I am easily confused.

You say "we're together" and the girl says "we're just friends." Oh, that can suck bad. Then comes the "talk." More than half the time, nothing good ever comes from it. Make it through though, and things are in great shape.

But where are the fine lines for determining a pair's status? There are no fine lines. Not until the pair sit down and talk it out. Without this communication, the lines are broad and blurry. Progress can still be made. It's just a matter of using the right words when describing the other's connection to you.

Most go by the first base, second base, and such progresssion. There are other ways though. One can go by the number of successful dates, or the amount of time spanned by these dates. Friends can easily traverse into the "couple" realm by muttering a few words or asking a simple question. From then on, the stages become difficult to assign.

Friends, boyfriend-girlfriend, couple, and such. That's how I see it. What's the difference between "couple" and "boyfriend-girlfriend"? In my eyes, the latter refers to the time immediately following the initial date or asking out. The former represents a pair of people who have been dating for a long amount of time (half a year plus) or have started the post-marriage actions (moving in together, considering having kids, buying a car together, etc.) and such.

Boyfriend-girlfriend applies to all high school relationships though. High school kids cannot progress to the couple stage. Well, they can, but it's extremely rare. One per high school class. Maybe two. High school relationships are not meant to last. It's such an odd scene and kids shouldn't tie themselves down without experiencing independence first.

Very awkward when some of my friends already have their woman living with them. No way I could do such a thing at such a young age. This is my time to sample what's out there. This is not my time to be thinking "Oh no, a little FBombAndy running around the place. Last thing the world needs..." or "What type of engagement ring...?!?!"

Call, Ball...

No better call than when Kevin Harlan screams out "Kobe Bryant!" Really, no one else has a call like that. Except maybe Bill Walton and his "Throw it down, big man, throw it down." Great stuff.

Good basketball this afternoon. Bro did come by, and we met at the courts at 3pm. Played 'til 4:48pm. We got 4 games out of the way. I won the first and last while he won the middle two. The first game he used to see what new tricks I have. The second through fourth he played hard (Or at least he said he did). His shots were pretty solid, and I didn't play tight defense on him until the 4th game. I also jacked up a ton of 3's. But in the 4th game I was hot. Hit a majority of my 3 point tries, and I nailed a floater from the baseline to win it. Definitely feel more comfortable about my layups, and my hook shot is alright. Looking forward to some ball in big D.

Bro did purposely push my bad shoulder, so it's a bit swollen right now. Gonna run some ice water over it and see how it feels tomorrow. I probably have 3 days to heal up. Plenty of time.

Gonna learn more about JavaScript. Seems pretty easy from what I've looked at. They say that you need to understand Java and C++. C++ because Script is object-oriented. Fortunately I know both. So I figure it will be another thing I can add to my resume.

Otherwise, just gotta do my matrices homework and my program. Then I'm out for the weekend. Yea!

(By the way, does anyone else find that "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" funny? I sure don't. I must not get it. I must be too old, behind the times.)

Tuesday, April 27

Just tired...

Bro might come by the dorm tomorrow, which means basketball time. I don't think he's played in about two months, but he never shows rust. Knees are feeling good, shoulder is feeling tons better. Should be interesting. Since I started really playing ball last spring, he's won most of the one-on-one games. But since last fall, the series has been tied, or close to it. Would be nice if the roomie could come, because he'll learn a thing or two.

Did the four hours of experiments for my psych class. Wasn't bad at all. At least not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Almost missed the second session though because I lost track of time and forgot that there was a second session. Had to walk across campus in about 10 minutes, but it's very possible.

Watching the Wolves and Nuggets. I know that I need to learn fron Boykins, but I wish I had the low post presence of Garnett. There's just no stopping him.

Think I'm going to get more sleep tonight. Folding laundry last night kept me up for a while, and I didn't wake up the best this morning. Gonna run some ice water over my shoulder for extra measure and then relax.

Monday, April 26


Waiting for my gay. I'm so pissed it's not even funny. Everything is setting me off, even the laundry.

Uh huh...

Just don't want to talk about it (the game). Gonna take out my anger tomorrow afternoon on the (basketball) court. It is true that if you get angry enough, you see in red. Feel sorry for the guy who plays me though.

By the which, the shoulder bruise that I mentioned on Sunday just got worse when I threw my arms in the air after the game. Big circle with blue on my shoulder. Gonna put ice on it. But I'm going to play tomorrow. Don't matter if I'm hurt. Don't give sympathy...I don't want it.

This'll be fun...

Old phone...

So I realize that my old phone battery is the exact same as the battery my new phone uses. Decided having two batteries fully charged would be a great idea. Turn on my old phone, which was with Nextel, and now I'm on Cingular. Crapular. But I see that I have two voicemails with my old phone number. Problem is that I have no idea how to get them. Don't have service anymore. And I don't remember my old cell number. Could be important voicemails. Maybe not. But I'm wondering...

Dreams = fun...

See, the weird thing about dreams is that some of the subjects can't be explained. There might not be a reason to dream about basketball, at least not an obvious one. Some dreams draw their subjects from events that occurred up to weeks ago. But last night's dream had a very obvious source of inspiration.

Was talking to E during breakfast and I mentioned that I hadn't tried those McGriddles. Well, my dream last night took place on McDonald's, and I walked by a thing of McGriddles. Wanted to try one, but I usually don't eat in my dreams.

Are those things good? They look good, and I'm curious.

Sunday, April 25

Remember, dreams, stress...

The weirdest thing. Having memories come back from out of nowhere. Laying on the floor at my bro's apartment, and the windows were open. It was probably 70 or so degrees today, real nice. Well, this wind blew in, and all I could think of was October. Don't know which year exactly. But I knew it felt like October. And it felt like I had to get ready for a football game or something. High school football game. This wind out of nowhere took me back about 3 years. Really freaked me out.

Ever smell something, and it made you think of some past event with no real significance? Smell is supposed to be the sense strongly associated with memory.

Quote from a past conversation for B to comment on, because I know he can laugh at it...

"FBombAndy: yea, I sound like a parent
D: it's so cliche
D: haha no
D: you sound like a woman's self-help book"

Had a weird dream Friday night. I haven't put the pieces together yet, but I'm working on it. Much like Jan 7th on my old blog, I'll try to tell it as best as I can...

(From this point out, the lead character in this dream will go by the name "Girl." Can't think of a good name. But the basics are that she's a girl I knew of somewhat. Haven't talked to her in over two years, even though we really didn't talk much before. Not an ex. Found out last year that she was a potential. That's all I'm going to say. Oh, and she probably would have been perfect for me, considering my ridiculous standards.)

Part I

Sitting at what appeared to be a picnic bench. Fel is to the right, Girl is to the left. They were talking seriously about something. I said something like, "It's ok though, Girl is smart." Next thing, Girl is looking down at the ground, Fel says, "You don't know what all has happened." Sort of stunned, but I feel like I care.

At some apartment. I spend most of my time watching Girl, who now has a brace on her left knee. I make sure she's getting around ok. It's night time and dark outside except for the moonlight and a few porch lights. Went outside for some reason, and there's weird stuff all over the ground in huge puddles. It looked alot like vomit or something. Ambulance drives off in the distance, and people in the complex are freaking out. Loud yelling, helicopters flying over me. I go back into the apartment, and the lights are all out. I find Girl and tell her that I'll keep her safe.

Part II

My bro and I found Fel and Girl in a movie theater. For some reason, my bro and I tried to make it look like a coincidence, even though we knew they were there. As we walked through the hallway, it slowly changed into a medical-looking hallway. I was dribbling a basketball forward, and my fat cousin was backpedaling while trying to swat it away. Also in the hallway was my dad's family from El Paso, those mentioned earlier, and still present Girl. They were watching my cousin and I, as if waiting to watch me fail. He finally knocked it away, and everyone turned away from me, including Girl. Now feeling disappointed and angry.


I don't know what brought Girl into my dreams. Hadn't thought of her in quite a while. But anyone who knows me knows just how much I hate going to El Paso. I become the black sheep of the family whenever I'm in El Paso. My bro sees it happen, and he understands what I mean. I'm quiet, and I keep to myself. I don't like attention. But they are loud, and everyone of them demand attention 24-7. I'm not willing to give that, so I become the outcast. It's ok though, because since the last time I was there, I've grown up enough to choose not to go. Before, if my parents were going, so was I. Now, they know I don't want to go, so I'm not forced to. As a result, I haven't been there for years.

What sucks is that they are coming to Austin once my nephew is born. It's not for another month or so, but it already stresses me out. Not the baby. My relatives. They stress me out. And then in September, there's a wedding so I have to go to El Paso. I've almost talked my way out of going, but my bro is pushing me to come, mostly so he won't get bored and such. Want to see me at my boiling point? Put me in El Paso. (By the which, because my nephew is going to be born in late May, I don't have to worry about going to my cousin's graduation in May. Already I owe this kid a favor, ha!)

Either way, better end this before it gets any longer.

Quitter, Mavs, Cowboys...

It takes a huge something to make me quit. I don't quit. Never. I quit one thing in my life, and I regret doing so. And no, I'm not referring to alcohol. But I've reached the point where I quit. Won't say what I'm quitting. I just hope no one takes it the wrong way. Not quitting this blog. It's my source of venting.

Don't know exactly what I'm feeling. I feel frustrated and let down. At the same time, I expected as much. If I knew I was going to feel this way, what's the point...

On the other hand, the Mavs totally killed Sac. Good, fun game to watch. I'm glad to see Finley shooting better, although he isn't at the level he should be at. Dirk needs more shots still. A rook is taking more shots than him. But I can't complain. All they have left to do is win the next game and it's tied up. Could be a great position for the Mavs.

The Cowboys totally sucked today in the draft. Well, I don't know if I can say that yet, because it depends on how this RB from ND turns out. Still, they could have had Steven Jackson. Oh well, maybe he's a bust. We'll just have to wait and see.

I think I just want to sleep. I feel so out of it, and so drained. Man, played ball again Friday afternoon. Game never got finished because it started to rain. Well, the price I paid for one rebound was grating my shoulder against a fence. Now it's all bruised up and tight. At the end, right when the court got slippery, I pulled a move only to end up twisting my knee. Turned green and swoll up. The swelling was visible through my pants. Much better today though. Can walk again. And my shoulder feels pretty good. I take a beating, but I keep on going. I want more basketball.

Don't know what the plans are for later today. Don't know a lot of things. Think I'm just going to sleep and see what's going on when I wake up.

Thursday, April 22

The game...

Played 25 with roomie and his friend M. They double-teamed me towards the end, and their defense was pretty good. They understood that one person should be up front and the other should be waiting for any drives to the basket. At first though, they were taking sides of the court. It was easy to break that down, and that led to a quick 12 points. But then the roomie got hot and M couldn't hold him up close. We switched up, and I gave hand signals to him to put him in the position to make the block or steal. It worked. Roomie got 23, and after that didn't get another point. M had 20 or 21 I think, and I purposely made roomie gaurd him. This freed me up for rebounds, when I only had 17 points. Quick drive, 19. Hit the two-point free throw from the top of the key, 21. (That one was ugly to, because I banked it in without calling it.) it another from the top of the key, 23. (Much better than before.) Missed next free throw. Some missed shots later, I get a rebound. Take it out behind the three-point line. Closest person is M and he's 5 feet back. Considering I have 23, it would make sense to protect the lay-up. Well, I decided to just shoot and see what happens. Swish. Game. Felt good. Out of breath, but I felt good. The three of us shot around a bit afterwards, where I impressed them again with my "Antoine Walker at the buzzer" imitation. Now 2 out of 3.

Gonna play some football, basketball, on Friday. Still gotta do my program though. I'm hoping that doesn't take me too long. Don't think I'm going to Gov't tomorrow. Oh well, I'll get the notes from someone else.

Finished my paper, and now I am drained. 7 hours on one stupid paper, 2 hours of basketball, and also 2 hours of homework earlier this morning. It's not the same workload as other people I know (B). I still consider this day to be more busy than any of the others I have had in a long while. Time for sleep.

Wednesday, April 21

Don't know...

Had dinner with E. Well, more like dessert. He hadn't eaten, and I was a little hungry, so I went after some cheesecake. Not the greatest, but good. Still discussing academics and what not. I'm still working on it.

Wanted to play ball today, but didn't. Want to play ball tomorrow, but can't. Well, I don't know. I might go to the courts and just shoot around a little bit. Practice makes perfect. And if all I work on is my shot, that puts me in good shape.

Don't know about this weekend. Want to go to the Forty Acres Fest thing. I might. Really though, this weekend I feel like sleeping all day, or at least just relaxing. I feel drained. Don't know why either. I haven't been taking tests all week, and I haven't been playing ball all week. There's no reason for me to be drained. Although, with the recent turn of events, I'm free to work on my paper all afternoon tomorrow. Except for when I'm out shooting of course.

Oddly enough, now I feel frustrated. I want to blow things up. I want to destroy things. Like an alarm clock. Don't know what's gotten into me...

Well, I've got to read some book before I go to bed. I'm out.

(I've got this bad feeling about this weekend. Something's not it's supposed to rain all weekend. Just a bad feeling, I suppose...)


What I do best?

I help.

That's all I got. Don't know anymore than that.

(In other news, for the first time in a while, I gave a chic a double-take. You know, the look, look away, then damn, then look again, this time for longer. Well, at the same exact moments I looked at her, she looked at me. Two pairs of glances occurring at the same time. What are the odds? Damn my slow reaction time, 'cause if I wasn't so slow-minded around chics, I'd be on that....On the bright side, met some chic on my floor. She's not bad at all. I'm no conversation master though. Doesn't help any when she sees your door with a picture of male genitals on the dry-erase board. I hate the bastards on my floor. Really, I do.)

Yea, right...

Mice Created With 2 Genetic Moms, No Dad

This is horrible for men all around the world. Thankfully one of the scientists said when asked about human applications, "Senseless." You know why? Because he's a guy, and if babies can be born without men, where do we get our sex? All of this research could have great benefits, but not at the expense of losing sex. In animals, sure, because "they don't get the same satisfaction out of it." (I completely disagree. All of those National Geographic specials just make it look like they aren't having fun.)

Women out there, lend me your ear. Stop the madness! Stop trying to wipe us out! We are here, and it's better to accept that. Especially for us.

Tuesday, April 20


Funny about thing that last post. I'm pretty pissed right now. Gotta bite my lip though.

Finley is gone after this season. Doesn't matter what happens now, he's gone. Keep him any longer and his trade value goes down. He's aging, and his skills are deteriorating. Time to bring in the new blood.

I have no idea why they went to him with 19 seconds to go. I don't know why he shot it so fast. Yes, I understand you want a shot at an offensive rebound and a put-back if possible. 4 seconds is enough time for that. 9 seconds is too much time. If you get the put-back, the score is tied, and the other team has 5 seconds to get a good shot. Horrible decision.

I probably would have went to Nowitski on that one. I know, I know. Everytime they try to give him the shot he slips and falls or something. But in this case, he is the only player you have who is stepping it up when it's playoff time. Big players make big shots. The last attempt at a three that he took was horrible as well. I thought he got fouled, but they're not going to call it. Down by four, I go after the layup. Foul somebody other than Peja. Very possible, and chances go up.

Even if they win both home games, they have to win at least one road game. They are losing their opportunity, and now is the time to be worried. Game 5 and game 7 are all that's left. I hope that there isn't a game 7. Should the series go 7 games, I hate to admit that I believe Sac wins. Winning a playoff road game is one thing. Winning a playoff game 7 on the road is totally in a class of its own.

Guys, my bag is getting empty. And I'm losing it. I've got a paper to write for Friday, and I need to get started. I'll probably tone it down here for a bit. Gotta sort things out anyway.


If there's anything I can't stand, it's when someone loses control of their emotions.

I've learned how to handle my emotions. I can call them back up whenever I need them also. When I'm angry, I store it away for a better time. When I'm on the court, I bring it out and use it to play better. Roomie can now testify to that.

People need to understand that being pissed about something is going to happen. Everyone gets pissed at one time or another. What matters is how you deal with it. If you go around hitting things and yelling at people, what does it solve? Sure, you might feel better afterwards, but now you've just passed on your frustration to another person. It creates an endless cycle, assuming that person goes and yells at another.

If everyone in the world had better self-control, the world would be a better place. I'm not going to hold my breath, because it's just an idea. I'm no hippie. I'm not going to go block traffic and make it so. I'm going to sit in my chair and listen to some more music. There are plenty of ways to imrove this place. How many are practical though?

People will argue that emotions are necessary and such. I agree with them. I just think everyone needs to be a little desensitized. Don't get angry because you tripped over a curb or something. Get angry if someone punches you in the face. Don't get sad when you spill milk. Get sad when there's a real tragedy.

Monday, April 19

What I meant was...

I guess the whole argument behind the last post is that I get frustrated knowing that I can put forth 100% effort for one class and get a B or C, while I can half-ass my way through another and get an A. I don't think this CS class is supposed to be easy, in fact, I think it is supposed to help weed out the kids who can't get it done. I don't know. I don't get it. It is very frustrating, and I want to change this. My belief is that if I can get an A in one class, I can get an A in every class. High standards once again.

The worst look ever is when a chic looks at you, and then turns her eyes down and to the right. I mean to describe the look that a chic gives when she sees an ex with whom she has a history. A bad history. I don't know why this happened, but this chic in my history class gave me that look. I have no idea who she is, and I seriously doubt she knows of me. But she looked me in the eye, and then looked down at the floor without turning her head. Really weird expression. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing. I don't know that either. It just felt as if she wanted something, but it wasn't possible. Overanalyzing.

I watch PTI and ATH everyday. I don't look forward to today's episode though. I just know half the panelists are going to dog on the Mavs and their lack of defense. Get over it guys. Fine, they have no defense. But they can shoot your eyes out when they are hot. I'm not worried about their chances of getting out of the first round, I just hope they can realize that it's very possible, even being down a game. Tuesday night, Tuesday night...


Before the CS test I took last Wednesday, I spent my time playing ball, taking a shower, and eating a sandwich. No study time because it usually interferes with what I already understand. I'll end up focusing on one thing and forgetting another. My memory sucks, as many of you know.

My second semester here at UT, I made it a goal to do some physical exercise before tests and relax afterwards. Did this mostly before physics tests, and it paid off. Well, I just got my test score back.

The average grade was a 73. I automatically assumed I made a 76 then. Figured I must have screwed up on one of the programming questions. Hadn't worked with LinkedList in Java. Well, apparantly, I understood enough. Made a 95.

This is weird for me though, because my first CS test was my first A on a test here at UT. Now I get my second. It proves that I can make As for sure. It doesn't give a reason for making Cs in any other classes. Right now, I'm looking down the gunbarrel in Government of all classes. I attend every lecture, take good notes and study. Can't even get a B on any of those tests. So I don't understand. I guess it's true that one area may be your best while another may be your worst. But my 'worst subjects' list is getting longer. My 'best subjects' list is two deep. Physics and Programming. I'm not counting Music as a subject. No reason for that.

Either way, felt good about my test. Yea!

Sunday, April 18

Basketball Jones...

Who wants to know how much I'm loving basketball right now? If you answered "no," go ahead and leave.

This is what it breaks down to...

Roomie says he likes basketball. Watches Texas' basketball every now and then, along with the Mavs.

I say I like basketball. I don't like college games, but I'll watch if they are important. When it comes to NBA, I watch. 8 playoff games in two days. I watched all 4 of the Western Conference games, and kept track of the score of two of the Eastern Conference games. Today, I watched the Mavs, and then I watched the Wolves. Afterwards, Inside the NBA. After that, And1's Street Mixtape Tour. And right now, NBA Fastbreak. (By the which, I actually watched the San Antonio Duncans play. Did look good, but it was against Memphis. Can't judge yet.)

Why do I watch so much? First of all, I would argue that I don't watch enough. I know for sure there are probably a million people who keep up with the games more than me. But I watch what I can so I am able to learn more. I watch Cassell and Boykins go at it. I have to observe Boykins because he's playing at a disadvantage height-wise. When he shoots the ball, I have to figure out the best way to mimic his release. Hold on to the ball too long, and it's blocked. Shoot too fast, and it's out. Big difference between me and Boykins is that he's fast as hell, and he's 4 inches shorter. Oh, and he shoots better. Handles better...I guess there's a lot of differences. But you get what I mean.

I improve my game by watching others' techniques. It works too. More confidence in my handles, but I still need to get more consistent with my shot. Soon enough...think I'll focus on that this week.

One game...

So what if the Mavs lose game one? They get another opportunity on Tuesday to take away the home-court advantage. Now that Dallas has felt out the Kings, Nellie can put in the right lineups for the right situations. "Small Ball" can get you through three quarters it looks like. He'll definitely have to use Williams and Bradley more in the fourth. Not too much to worry about with Brad Miller. Bum shoulder and elbow. No Bobby Jackson. The key man for the Kings is Anthony Peeler. Those 3's we missed and they made killed us. As I said on the Monday the 12th, the matchup between Finley and Peja decides each game. Peja looked good (5 of 10 from 3-point line). Finley sucked (1 of 8 from 3-point line). Had one nice three-pointer, but after that he cooled off. Peja was one crazy man. He's awesome when he's going left. His favorite direction. There was some good early defense on the back door cuts, and it was great to see Bibby fall.

Fun weekend at my bro's. Parents didn't come down. Instead, it looks like my bro, fel, and I will be coming to Dallas on the last weekend of April. This could be great timing. I need a hair cut, and I can probably wait another week.

Still waiting for my CS test score. Was looking at the rest of my scores in there, and I can honestly believe I will get an A. Great stuff.

Man, I just missed a movie on the Dorm Movie Channel. Sucks. I was hoping to see something really good. Then again, there'll be another movie in an hour or so. I really need to be doing my reading.

Once again....I got nothing.

(By the which, Dirk had 32 points, 13 rebounds, 5 blocks, 3 assists, 3 steals, and only one turnover. Seems like he has something to prove. As I write this add-on, KG has 28 points and 18 rebounds. Not quite 40 - 20 like I predicted, but soon enough. Playoffs, such a different atmosphere. I love it.)

Thursday, April 15

B-Ball, playoffs, nether-regions...

Well, today was fun. Went to Bennigan's, ate a Monte Cristo, now I feel like I'm going to explode. Fun!

Won't find out until tomorrow morning if my parents are going to come down or not. Kind of sucks, but if they come down, I won't be upset. I do want them to see what's going on in Austin.

Well, B thinks the Mavs are going to the Western Conference Finals. I sure hope you're right. Well, it's been a while since you were wrong....I really can't remember how long.

I have to agree. The chips are falling in favor of the Mavs. No Spurs or Lakers until after Round 2. Kind of nice for us. Sucks for the San Antonio Duncans.

Probably head to my bro's tomorrow, play some more basketball and such. Oh, if he could come up to campus and play ball with me and the roomie, that'd be awesome. If the roomie thinks I play physical, he'll have to readjust that opinion after playing my bro. Man, roomie's elbows are sharp! Took one to the right bicep, and it's kind of bruised. Took another just under my arm near my ribs. That one hurts. His knee met my quad, and that's bruised too. I play through it though. Pain is temporary. B can testify, when I get hit, I walk it off for a sec. Unless it's in the nether-regions. Then I need a full timeout.

Ketchup + Jack Daniels = Bennigan's sauce thing that comes with the onion ring things.

Well, got nothing left in the bag. Big bag of nothing.

Wednesday, April 14

B-ball, B-ball, B-ball...

Oh man, what a finish! Kobe tosses up the prayer in second-overtime and hits it!!! Here are your seedings...


OOOOOooooooo yea!

Greg Anthony just chose the Mavs to win the series. Legler thinks Kings can win, but they're in trouble. Oh man, are they! If we do win against Sac, then we face Wolves/Nuggets in the second round. Mavs Wolves isn't a gimme, for sure. Spurs and Lakers can beat each other up if they win their respective series. This is sweet. Too sweet.

Some crazy first round matchups. Shaq - Yao, Mavs - Kings...awesome.

I'm really too happy. Way back when on the old blog, I mentioned how sweet it would be to have the Kings and Mavs face each other in the playoffs. I'm glad to see my dreams come true.

Right now, I don't care how I did on my test. This evening is too much to handle. I don't know how to celebrate.

Played B-ball earlier this afternoon. Won both games, although I didn't play my best. Honestly, I sucked today. I'll have to pick this up on Friday. My handles were down nice though. I broke the roomie's ankles at least twice.

Gonna do homework tomorrow. Going to class tomorrow. Gonna do my program tomorrow. Right now, I want a ham and cheese sandwich. Oooo yea!

Tuesday, April 13

Live, plans, B-ball...

Alright, let's get started. Test tomorrow, and I still need to study, even if only a little bit.

Mavs won, Lakers won. This is interesting. If Wednesday Sac loses and the Lakers win, then we face the Kings in the first round. I would love that more than anything and quite possibly more than anyone. Well, that's stretching it actually. But the possibility is there. If the Mavs face the Lakers in the first round, I'm sorry to say that I see an early exit.

Made it through the day alive. That's definitely a good thing. Nothing bad happened, except for sleeping through my Matrices class. Eh, I'll get through it.

By the which, my bro just became a year older. 14th. Old man.

Good dinner. Went to Target. It was alright, except the chicken strips I ate were starting to bubble in my stomach. Not the best feeling. I survived that as well.

B-ball tomorrow afternoon, shower, test. Don't know when I'm going to fit food in between all that. This will be fun though. I understand my programming, and I'm sure I'll follow up that first A with another.

Parents are supposed to come down this weekend, although it isn't guaranteed. If I find out they aren't, well I would love to come home for a little bit. Unfortunately I already signed up to look at apartments. Doesn't matter, I'm 90% sure my parents will come. The weekend after, I would really like to come home. I need a haircut. But once again, something comes up. D may be coming down, and I can't pass up an opportunity like that. It'd be really fun if she watched me beat my roomie black and blue in B-ball. Plus I'll make a better effort to actually accept invitations to leave the dorm. Usually I end up saying no because the roomie is going, and two things come up. One, I don't want to make my roomie think I'm trying to steal his friends away. Two, I don't want to be a fifth wheel of any kind. But I'll put this aside, and I'll try to leave the dorm.

D gave me such a great compliment today. "You'd make a great point." I'm hoping she meant 'point' as in point guard. I think she did. Well, I want to validate this by killing my roomie on the court tomorrow. I've got anger and stuff built up, and I'll turn that energy into something positive. But anyway, thank you D.

It's funny the way my brother put it. Based on how I play him one on one, he said, "You have the point guard body, but you play like a center." Mostly because when I do have someone smaller on me, I do post them up. I play close to the rim, and I go rebound-crazy. Although, when I play people like B, I have to play quick and outside. Even so, he has a 5-inch height advantage, and it is intimidating. He played high school ball. So, if I'm having an off day, he'll win every time. If I'm having an on day, I'll have to stay way out there and hope it falls. Man, if only I were a couple inches taller...I wouldn't have my shot blocked each time. But who knows, maybe my game is different now man. I do like to drive more.

If I played on a 6-foot and under team, I would definitely be their 2 or 3. 2 in that I could run the offense a little, but I don't want to every time. 3 in that I like to play at the elbow and in, as long as there is someone smaller than me playing defense.

Either way, time for sleep.

Monday, April 12

Superstition, seeds, sorry...

Oh man. Tuesday the 13th. That's my worst. Most people are superstitious about Friday the 13th. Not me. I'm more concerned with Tuesday. Everything bad always happens to me on that day. I'm a little worried.

I can't remember every bad thing, but I do remember that it didn't go downhill until the 8th grade. So this thing has been going on for 6 years now. If it were up to me, I would stay indoors all day. In fact, there was talk of basketball tomorrow afternoon. Well, I'm going to have to cancel that. I'll still go to class, but that's it. Don't want to risk it.

Well crap. T-wolves won, Sacto lost, and Spurs won. Sac has to lose their last game, and Lakers must win their last two to make it worthwhile for the Mavs to win today. Those aren't good odds. If I'm Nellie, I tank today against Memphis. I don't start Dirk again until playoffs, and I try to get the bench more playing time to warm up for what's ahead. Taking the 6th seed in this scenario would make us face the Spurs in the first round. Probably Sacto in the second if we win that first series. It's not bad, because then the Lakers and Wolves can cancel each other. But that also means if the Spurs win, they have an easy road to the Western Conference Finals. The way I see it, the seedings are set up for the Duncans to win the championship again. Means I get to hate San Antonio even more.

Test coming up soon. Yea!

Women, can't live with them, can't live without them, right? I don't know. I think I could live with one. The right one. Beh! I'm too young to be thinking about that.

Talking about exes. Ha! If I met up with any of them, I wouldn't hesitate to say, "No!" In my book, the book of FBombAndy, you get one shot, two if you're lucky. Lucky meaning if you're one in a hundred. And it's already happened before, so now the chances are about one in a million. Ha, I'm way too picky...

D, I'm sorry I missed your IM earlier tonight. Really, sorry. I might even IM you first the next time you're on.

Otherwise, no new news. Kind of boring. Doing laundry, if that counts for anything. Man, do I have some anger to let out...hope I don't go busting my knuckle again...

Well, gonna get my clothes, fold them, and go to sleep. I'm just a little tired, and I don't feel that well.

Playoffs? Playoffs?!?!....

Oh man, what a race in the Western Conference!

Three games tonight will have an impact on whether the Mavs try to win and claim the number 5 seed. And all three of those games pit the top three in the standings against the three teams fighting for the last spot. Currently the Lakers are in the 4 seed, and current matchups have them facing Memphis in the first round. Mavs would play Spurs in the first round.

If Minnesota loses, you can bet we will stay in the 6th spot. Because of the way the second round shapes up, it would be best to have the Spurs and Lakers face each other in the second round if possible. Spurs would have to grab the top spot, with the Lakers staying in 4th. Then that case would also tell the Mavs to take the 6th seed, so then they could face the Kings or Wolves in the first round, the other team they didn't face first in the second round, and then Lakers or Spurs in the Conference Finals. Of course, Mavs would have to win their series to begin with. Honestly, I do belive the Wolves can be beaten by the Mavs. KG will explode for crazy numbers, but the key to them winning is the play of Spree. Mavs can beat the Kings, we have seen it. Webber isn't as fast as he was in the playoffs last year, and Najera can flop like Vlade, maybe just not as well. Bradley can surely draw two techs from Brad Miller. When Dirk is gaurding Vlade, well, that's always something to watch. The key to that matchup would be the comparison of Finley and Peja. Whichever plays better, they are going to win.

If the stars align just right, the Mavs can get out of the first round and probably the second. But those stars have to be perfect. Everyone likes to point out that Dallas was in the Finals last year because Webber went down with an injury. In the Finals, against the Spurs, Dirk went down with an injury. Spurs won the series with the Lakers, yea, so what? Horry banged one off the rim in game five, and that brought them too far down. If he hits that shot, I'm sure we're talking about the 4-time champ Lakers.

If we get the Lakers in the first round, well, we're expected to lose. I don't think there's much to smile about if we get bumped out by that team. I don't know. There are still possibilities, and it's gonig to be interesting to see how they play out. Speaking of which, the first of the three games starts in 4 minutes. I'm out...

(That title is in honor of Jim Mora...)

Stupid girl, fun, fun...

Speaking of things I don't miss, I just had the craziest dream.

An ex of mine, who I really don't want to see ever again, was sitting next to me. Said she was sorry for something. Smart enough to not give her my cell number. Did say I would talk to her through AIM. But the entire time I felt like we hoked up again. Don't really understand.

Yes, this was the psycho chic who spread rumors. The one who said I was "going" to call her. Never called her. I don't really get the meaning behind this one, but I bet it had to do with the fact that last night I was thinking back to high school. Oh well.

I don't really know C.T.'s wife that well, so I'm not going to form an opinion of her yet. But I don't like women who nag. Ha!

Missed government today because I didn't hear my alarm. Oh well, that was an extra hour of sleep for me. Also, new plans regarding the new apartment. It looks like we will keep the current one for another 6 months if things go a certain way. I don't really mind this, so long as we eventually do move to a nicer location. I want to be in North Austin so bad. With the indoor basketball court and all. But this current place isn't all that bad. There's some hot blondes down the way.

Blondes or brunettes? I can say I've tried it all. Blondes, brunettes, and red heads. Don't have a preference yet though.

Fun weekend. I play NCAA 2004 at my bro's when E shows up. He's leading in sacks right now. Well, I decided to make him suffer, so I switched from MLB to CB. We've run through five seasons already, so no one from Texas today is on that team, but the CB I am working with is Calloway. Great speed, crap hands. Well, first play of the game after kickoff, I run between the QB and his RB to intercept a pitch. Blown option. Ran it back for a touchdown. Next play, after that kickoff, the dumb QB throws it in my direction. User pick. Run that back for a touchdown. E is boiling mad by this point. Next defensive series, we force the punt. Returned for a touchdown by none other than Calloway. E isn't smiling or anything. To sum things up, I fininshed with 6 overall touchdowns, with Calloway (because I still work with a WR, and he got 3 touchdowns). 2 on an interception, one kick return, one receiving, one rushing, and one on a punt return. But eh, it was Oklahoma State. Still, fun stuff.

Sunday, April 11


Well, before B throws his phone to the ground, let me point some things out in case...

"And that's bound to happen considering that all of my friends are older than me. The closer ones by a year, the further ones by up to 10 years."

The closer ones consisting of B, C.T., L.R., and to a lesser extent (since I haven't heard from or seen him since we saw Jackass) Tex-Mex. The exception to this statement is F. B, I'll also agree with you about high school. There were the good and great moments, and you're absolutely right, those are the ones I would like most to relive. Boccie Balls, beer, and physics. Those were the best. I agree. I am also on your side about the "keeping in contact with" thing. I only keep in contact with a handful of people. It's not because I hated school, it's because these people were the ones who made it worthwhile to ask "how are you today?" I didn't expect to keep in contact with everyone, and it's a shame if some people have that idea heading into graduation.

My whole thing on wanting to leave was based more on my idea of being independent. People have their own places, and now I want one too. Living in a dorm has been quite an experience, and it has helped me learn more about myself. I need to be surrounded by people I know well. Only people I know well.

I don't feel that high school was a waste of time. Great stuff really. There are things I miss, there are things I don't miss.

Thursday, April 8

Boring, sleep, burn...

Bored out of my mind. I still haven't finished my program, I have to read this Malcolm X biography, and I have to think about this test coming up on Wednesday. Even with all this, I need something to help me stay sane. Basketball is over for the night, and there's nothing on TV. I got nothing. A big bag of nothing.

Almost one o' clock. Gonna get to sleep. But I'm not tired. I haven't done enough today for me to be tired now. Usually it's wake up at 8:30am, class, class, class, ATH and PTI, B-ball, homework, study if necessary. That's the routine. Today, there was one class, and about 2 hours of homework. Nothing major. Went to Barnes and Noble to see if there's any good books out, but I gave up.

For some weird reason, I can't be in any book place for more than twenty minutes. Libraries, Borders, B&N. Doesn't matter. Being surrounded by books makes me want to set something on fire. I'm not a big fan of fire either. I don't know what's up with it.

Thinking back to the summer before I started college. Even at the beginning of May, I wanted to leave. I don't know how most kids feel, but I figure it's normal to want to be at your home as much as possible before you go off to some new place. Not me. I was ready. Ready to start growing up a little bit more. I like to push myself to be more mature than my age. And that's bound to happen considering that all of my friends are older than me. The closer ones by a year, the further ones by up to 10 years. I'm 19, going on 27. Well, maybe not that old, but my parents would say older. Beh...

Then I think about graduation. Walking across the stage. At the back of the place where we returned our gowns. Looking around and seeing all the chics crying, all the guys doing their 'man hugs.' I don't think I talked to anyone during that whole thing. Turned in my stuff, grabbed my envelope, walked away. I'm not good with goodbyes. I am the type that would rather turn my back and walk than hug and say "see you around." Don't take it personally if I do so.

I'm not good with hugs either. I never initiate them, and I tend to be surprised when one is given.

Don't know what I want. Don't know what I need. Starting to wonder if a beer might help....but then again, it'll do more harm than good. I don't know, that one time I came back from school and ate some chocolate cake with a cold beer to wash it down, I felt really good.

Wednesday, April 7

Smells, B-ball, the greatest...

D, not only were you confused, but you confused me as well. Sorry if I didn't come through like usual.

Yea, something about our sense of smell being the most attached to memories or something. It's true. At least with me. The things I actually do remember, I usually associate with some smell. When I smell bus exhaust, I think of bus rides to and from high school football games. When I smell...well I don't know how to describe it, but it's sort of like vanilla, I think of my middle school crush. When I smell camp fires, you guessed it, I think of the one time I went camping. Ha, great idea B, let's drop the tree on C.T. Got chased with an ax I sure did.

Nothing wakes me up and gets me more focused than a cool breeze against the top of my hair. After half-time shows, we would take off our helmets. If it was warm enough, and it usually was, one would perspire from their head. So once the helmet was off, a breeze was free to touch your wet hair and send shivers down your spine. Great feeling. That I do miss. I don't miss the rumors. Ha, you know what I'm talking about B. (Not neccesary to elaborate.)

Played ball today. Roomie got 13 points. I'm going to have to stop that. It's no fun if I shut him out, after all, he is kind of new. But he does listen to the pointers I give him. Bah, I should just pick one day to explode and take out my frustration. Took about 8 college 3-pointers, but I only made 3. I was real off today on that. Couldn't get my handles going either. Just going to have to get back into it. He did have a 10 - 3 lead, but I heated up a bit. Went on a 22 - 3 run. Made me feel good. His friend K was there. She got to laugh a bit. I usually play better when chics are watching. Feel under pressure, and I do best under pressure.

Probably going to play again Friday, at least I hope so. Need more playing time.

Either way, got most of my programming assignment done. But it is due Friday. So I'm going to have to step it up on that. Also got a programming test, and an essay next week. Oh well, at least after that I can look ahead to finals. Yea...

I go to bed and to bed I go.

(Oh, {ping-pong} it was decided because of both the reasons you mentioned. Both 'the distance' and the lack of 'quality time.' Not only that, but everyday I realize she just isn't my type. Yes I've known of her for...years...but I still feel that I don't know her. If you want her, go get it, now that you two can communicate again.)

(That, and I just can't have a short-term relationship with a chic who is still pure-minded. Easily corruptible. I couldn't live knowing that I turned her to the dark side. Ha!)

(I say 'short-term relationship' because all relationships start out that way. Short-term relationships evolve into long-term relationships. You can't plan ahead on the first set of dates. And to me, 3 dates is a short-term relationship. Although, if a chic leaves an extra toothbrush in my bathroom, I do have to start thinking in the long run.)

(That's for when I have this apartment. And even then, I consider it mostly for when I have my own place.)

Test, immune, kill...

Supposed to be in class right now, but I decided to skip. I'm rewarding myself for doing well on my government test, even though I don't know my score yet. I'm just assuming I got an A or B. Doesn't matter. I wanted to skip, and this was a good reason.

I still have a bruise on the inside of my elbow from my blood test over a week ago. She accidentally went through the vien and started injecting whatever it was. Burned like hell, lumped up, and she tried again with a vien in my hand. Didn't hurt that bad. It's just weird that I still have a bruise. I usually heal up pretty quick-like. Crazy immune system too. Haven't been sick in...well, haven't had a cold, flu, or allergies since last summer or so. And by saying that, I probably just jinxed myself. Woo hoo.

Was reading this other person's blog, and it made me realize that I just can't focus on things. At least boring things. Since I started school, when I was 5, I always daydream or sleep during class. I can never actually listen to the teacher. It's really odd because I can listen to people (friends and family) really well. I thought about how I behaved during Matrices yesterday, and really I spent the whole hour I was there looking at some chic. Not staring, just going back and forth between her and my notebook. I would try to break away and listen to the prof, but it didn't work. Just too boring. So I ended up leaving. Went back to the dorm, laid down I think, and just encoded some more video. I've been using Windows Media Encoder Series 9 to trim down my disk space used. Turning 175MB files into 45MB. Really helpful.

It does suck when you're in the back of a car or truck and the road is bumpy. Can lead to awkward situations. Ha!

Either way, think I'm going to play something or other to kill time. Gonna go play at 4pm. Gonna go kill...

Tuesday, April 6

Study, dreams, sleep...

Just got done studying. I can't study for too long, or I lose information. I went over about 6 pages of terms and important cases. On the first government test, I did very well on the multiple choice, but I sucked at the short answer. So I figure that if I compensate by studying more terms, I should do better. Give me an 'A.'

I should probably get to bed a little earlier, so I don't walk into the test half-eye open. 7 hours of sleep should be good enough.

Nothing new really going on. I've been kind of bored. But things are about to get crazy mad soon. Test next Wednesday, paper due that Friday, and I have yet to read the books. I'm asking for it. But I can be calm about it knowing that I work best under pressure.

Cats eating birds, turtles on their back. What is the theme? Domination? Helplessness? Inevitable? Just a weird dream, perhaps.

Basketball, indoor and outdoor...

Last time I played ball, I hit 4 college 3-pointers, with a hand in my face. Really helps. If it's one of those days where I can throw it up blind-folded and still hit it, there's just nothing the other person can do. Of course, it's pretty rare. Maybe once a month. Once every two months. Somewhere around there. Basketball plans tomorrow afternoon, if the weather permits.

Lakers losing to the Blazers. Blazin' up. Great stuff. I like it. Stoudamire is just too cold-hearted. I remember what he did to us last year in the first round. Mavs won tonight, tied in the loss column with the Grizz. I want to watch NBA Fastbreak, but some damn baseball game is in the 14th inning. on 2nd and 3rd, just get a hit and the game is over. Come on. Hurry up, gay baseball...

So ready to move into this new place. Well, don't know where exactly yet, but I do know it's going to be nice. I think this weekend I'm supposed to get an up-close look at this place. Should be fun. I hope we all decide on the one with the indoor basketball court.

B, you gotta come down to Austin man. The week before finals, people go crazy with the drinking. But I think that's the second week in May. Keep it in mind. BTW, the ping-pong match is basically decided. The answer is "No."

Oh man, I grabbed an Icee at 10, then I ate a Milky Way at 10:30. I'm a bit hyper, but I'll tire out soon. I gotta study anyway. Test in the morning. Speaking of which, I should get busy on that.

Sunday, April 4

Two paths...

See, D, with all of these new conflicts, or rather, reheating of all these heated arguments with the roomie, I don't know what's going to happen. I noticed you didn't hang out in the dorm that much on your last visit. As a result, we didn't get to laugh at his expense. Those were fun times.

I understand how he can get under people's skin. And I have no choice but to respect your decision to part ways with him. I just feel that because he is the reason you and I met, this will somehow have an effect on the way we communicate.

On the positive side, I know that these arguments will lead you to ask for my input. In that way, I am still needed. I think.

Next year the roomie and I will no longer live together. I will have an apartment with my brother and his wife, while the roomie will have an apartment somewhere else with some of his friends. So when you come to Austin, I don't know what will happen. It will no longer be "Hey, let's go visit R and FBombAndy."

Rest assured though that you are welcome at my new place in June. On the other hand, I'll be completely understanding if you visit Austin but don't have the time to visit my new place.

This next part is for B. Abut the roomie...

Damnit, he is such a nerd. Watching his sci-fi crap, playing his sci-fi games, and yet he doesn't possess the same determination as a nerd. He's a nerd wannabe. He needs to get over himself and accept who he is. I'm sure it would do him good in the long run. What type of person doesn't brush their teeth in the first 30 minutes that they are awake? What type of person turns on their computer first thing just to watch some sci-fi show or play some dinky little computer game? What type of prioritization is that? And are naps that necessary to where 9 hours of regular sleep don't matter? What type of guy takes an hour-long shower? Should I just assume what he's doing in there? You know how when most guys cross their legs, they have ankle on knee? Well, this guy actually has it leg over leg, like a female would. Does that mean he has no balls? Yes, yes, I know I say things like "I'm perfect" and what-not. It's all for good laughs. This guy says things like "I am the best" and "I am greatness" except he says it because he really thinks so. I think you met him. Complete dork. Wouldn't know what to do with a sexually receptive girl if it bit him on the ass. I could go on for quite some time. There are so many flaws there, it would take me more than a day to get it all out there.

He rubs me the wrong way (no porn intended). The only thing I can be happy about is that he uses his headphones every now and then. I dont want to hear his crap music. If someone told me that I would never see him again, I would celebrate by hitting him in the face. Really. I like to avoid confrontations, but I think a right hook might just knock this guy out. I have this feeling that he's never been hit in the face before, so he probably doesn't know how to take a punch.

But anyway, that was just to give you an idea of how annoying this guy is.

The black plague...

A, get well soon!

The fantasy for one woman...

Waiting for my laundry to finish drying. Still have about 30 minutes, and I need a post for Sunday.

D, D, D. I promise, things will turn up. One day you'll wake up to find that huge diamond on your hand, the roomie will be locked away in some ass-raping prison, and you'll find a phone with a blinking red light that serves as a direct connection to FBombAndy whenever necessary. I do not know why I refer to myself as FBombAndy, when it is obvious that I am referring to myself no matter what crazy name I throw out there. But anyway, above you on the ceiling will be a giant poster of that lead singer from Incubus. When you sit up, you'll find out that the real guy is bringing you some french toast for breakfast in bed. T.P. will call you up to tell you the Mavs just won the NBA championship. Shawn Bradley will show up at your door with a basketball, throw it down on the ground, clap his hands, and argue about a foul that was called, turning beet-red in the process.

All of that...came from nowhere. My imagination is flowing, or at least it was. I don't know. But wouldn't you just love it, D?

I'm really trying to think of some inspirational lyrics or something to help out, but I have no idea. Hmm...

Nope. Nothing. I'm not good with finding inspiration for other people. If I typed one song on here, it would be misinterpreted and FBombAndy would be dead. Surely whoever I was dedicating it to would show up at my dorm with all intentions of explaining how that song 'broke their spirit, and now I must suffer.' There goes my imagination again.

I know I tend to let compliments roll off my back. The whole "T.P. and I agree that you rule" is cute and I do smile. But I really don't think I do anything extraordinary. Besides, if I rule, then why aren't there peasants kissing the ground I walk on? Yea, that's a little much. I try though...

I wonder what next year is going to be like...

Alright, another post in maybe 15 minutes. Yea!

Saturday, April 3

Fun, bruises, my bed...

Tomorrow afternoon, going over to my brother's. We usually end up playing basketball and such. It just helps to get away from the campus every now and then. I'll be staying the night, so I'll need to remember to bring anything I may need.

As much fun as I had with alcohol, I can honestly say that I don't miss it. I can really observe how it has an effect on other people, and from there I learn that there are better ways to build false courage. There are better ways to have fun without the mess. No need to worry about having "beer breath." Speaking of which, I left my bartender guide at my bro's, so I guess this works out.

D, don't worry. Next time the roomie and I play ball, I'll be sure to throw some elbows. Yes, he can eat it. Feel special. I'd give up my bed for you if needed. Can't say that about a ton o' people. Only person who has slept in my bed with my permission is B. Oh, and T.P. Roomie said his cousin slept in it over Spring Break. Male cousin. That didn't sit well with me. At least he knows better now.

Ha! With A visiting, I might have to give up my bed again. Then again, I have no idea if this is just a day-trip, or something else. I don't even know why she's coming down. I don't know when either.

My bed is nice. T.P. said so. I keep the fleece on top, so you can just fall onto it and be comfortable. I spray Banana Republic Classic on my pillows. It just smells so good. My bed is awesome. Soft, smells good...just like FBombAndy's hair!

Alright. It's 3AM, and I still have to post for my other blog. Night.

Ha, remember B that you slept on top of the sheets when it was freezing cold? Funny stuff the next morning.

T.P. sleeps a lot...

Thursday, April 1

Fool's Gold...

April Fools Day. My luck is reversed and there's nothing I can do about it.

Woke up at 10AM to do my homework. Checked the web site to find out we have an exam today as well as homework due. I start sweating because I don't know any of the material and I only have 2 hours to learn what I can. Went to the library, did as much homework as I could, reread some of the older chapters. Still, I didn't learn much more than what I previously knew. That test tore me a new one, and I can only hope there is a nice curve. I don't need a huge curve, just a nice curve. Afterwards, roomie and I went to the cafeteria, had some philly cheesesteaks and played some games.

Waiting for E to call so we can head over to the movie theater. I'm ready to get off campus for now.

Roomie has also suggested we should start playing ball every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is good. I could use practice against people taller than me. He plays smart defense, but some moves break him down. Stamina isn't there for him, but that will come with time. His offense is spotty, but from what I saw, he understands what he needs to do in some situations. The idea of getting three points from one shot stays in his mind for most of the game. Still, I won our first meeting 25 - 7. He'll get better, I just don't know how much.

Well, gotta fix my hair up before I leave.