Wednesday, June 30


Sorry it's been so long. Friday and Monday left me no time to get online. Yesterday was just terrible with all the rain and what-not.

Going to head to class soon, but I did want to say something. Too bad I already forgot.

Shout out to L and A. Both got a year older in the past two days. Lucky them. I'm still a young'n.

Either way, I'm out.

Thursday, June 24

What a deal...

Well, it's not official yet, but it looks like we will get Stackhouse, Laettner and the 5 pick for Jamison. I know it's a good deal, but I hate losing Jamison. I liked his game and his ability to shrink his ego. Still, if this paves the way for getting Shaq and not losing Dirk, by all means.

Other news is that Dallas is interested in Kurt Thomas for 'Toine, and to acquire Dampier from Golden State. A lineup of Nash, Finley, Dirk, Thomas, and Dampier isn't bad either. We would also have Maruis and Howard coming off the bench, as well as our pick in the draft, likely Pavel Podkolzine. Pavel is 7'5 300 pounds and agile. Good potential, but it will take a while.

Yea yea, Lakers said they won't trade Shaq unless Dirk was involved. That was before we got the 5 pick. So unless thy repeat it, it's invalid.

Either way, gotta head to class to discuss Frankenstein. Shouldn't be tough at all. Test on Friday, which I would love to study for, except that the NBA Draft is tonight. Oh well, looks like I'll have to stay up really really late.

Wednesday, June 23

Sorry LA...

Now I read that LA won't give up Shaq unless they get Dirk. No. No Dirk for them. Bad deal. Let's say, yea, the trade goes down. Two years from now, Shaq will probably be able to play 25 - 30 minutes a game. At that same moment, Dirk will be playing 40 a game, dropping 25 - 28 points, and getting 10 boards. 4 years from now, what will that be like?

Yea yea, it's a whole "win now" mentality. Well, I don't like it. Winning now means rebuilding in a year or two. Why not continue to improve now? Instead of one or two years of great play, why not 5 or 6 years of consistent improvement. Sure, there wasn't much improvement last year, but the higher you get, the harder it is to keep going up. It's tough to beat 60 wins. And the great point that some people bring up, is that had we kept Raef and Nick, we would have one center on the bench all season and a point guard with shaky knees. So it could have been much worse.

I initiated the Houston - Orlando deal on NBA Live 2004 and played a game using Houston. I ran the offense through T-Mac, and had a first quarter score of 38 to 16. T-Mac went 11 of 13. Perfection. It was too good to be true.

T-Mac is criticized for taking too many shots. But look at his past situation. If there's 80 shots for the taking, and you're two guys are T-Mac and Juwan Howard, well, you want T-Mac to take 30 - 35 shots a game. It makes sense. You really want Lue shooting 15 shots a game?

With Yao, T-Mac will take less shots and hit more. He can dump it in, find an empty spot, and it there. Or he can take his man one on one. Does it matter? Points and assists for Yao and T-Mac.

I might actually attend a Rockets game.

Monday, June 21

Trade trade trade...

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh (repeat)...

Shaq to Dallas?!?!? What?!?!?! Some people at ESPN say that Dallas is willing to give up anyone besides Dirk. One person says a Dallas insider was told they would give up Dirk. I don't like this.

If we can have Shaq without losing Dirk, by all means. I would rather have 8 years of All Star play than 2 years of possible dominance. Although, when they said "Dirk and 'Toine" I had to think. Nash, Finley, Howard, Jamison, Shaq, and you can interchange Marquis with any of the smaller positions. Would be a great team.

Still, if you can have a team that has Marquis, Howard, Jamison, Dirk, Shaq...well, that's not bad either. Sure, two sophs in the backcourt, but they are pretty good.

Both Twans and Howard for O'Neal?!?! If only. Salaries work out. Keep the Big Three. Not bad at all. Any other package with Nowitski is just off my list.

Sac giving up C-Webb, Bo Jackson, and Miller Lite for Shaq? Oh man, Sac would be so good. Confound it all!

Either way, I better head over to the classroom. Gonna listen to more English prose being acted out in the worst fashion.

Wednesday, June 16

It's over...

Detroit won last night. Amazing. I missed all of the third quarter, but it doesn't matter. I tuned in with 9 minutes left in the 4th and the Pistons were up by 25. Just great. No more Lakers dynasty talk. It's over for them. Either Shaq's gone, Kobe's gone, or they're both gone. It's done. Makes me feel better, because that means the number of elite teams in the West will be fewer.

NO, the Eastern Conference is still a JV league, as Stephen A. Smith says. As much as people say "Don't underestimate the East" it was more about one team who was better than all the others by far. Everyone thought the Conference Finals would come down to Indiana and Detroit. That was even before they got Sheed. Sheed put them over the top, I mean, a power forward who's been in the West and knows what it's like. You can take any bench player in the West, move them to the East, and they start there. Even Shawn Bradley could help an Eastern team be a contender. Example: Lamar Odom moved from the Clip to the Heat. Clip sucked that year. This year, Miami was the 4 seed. But it doesn't work in the reverse.

If you move Jermaine O'Neal to the West, he won't average 20 and 10. He'll probably be in the range of 16 and 8. Not a huge dropoff, but it's noticeable.

Not going to Dallas this weekend. Parents coming down next weekend. Eh, I'll just have to get a haircut here.

I've got nothing else for now.

It's really odd. As soon as I stop appearing on AIM, my phone gets crazy. It's good though, considering I have over 3000 rollover minutes stored up.

Thursday, June 10

Uh huh...

Nothing new here either. I feel bad for the Pistons. But if you can't protect a three point lead with 10 seconds left, oh well. I still think this series goes 3 - 2 for the Pistons coming back to LA for game six. But I don't think it's going to happen.

Parcells dropping slurs and fighting with his players. That's the coach I want to play for!

Yesterday, it rained like there was going to be no tomorrow. I still got to campus and went to class. From the knee down I was wearing water pants practically. Horrible stuff. But I still love it when it rains. Good times. It also meant it wasn't 95 degrees or something.

MTV Movie Awards tonight. Lohan is going to be doing jumping jacks on stage, so I might watch for that. What guy won't?

Time for more of Paradise Lost by John Milton. I'm sorry, but it's the worst crap ever (so far).

Tuesday, June 8

The day before today...

22 minutes before class starts. Such a horrible class. I'm going to be complaining about it until the end of this first summer session.

Yesterday was hell. Woke up an hour late, still made it to class on time with a minute to spare. Missed the bus and had to wait for a while. Would have caught a ride with E but he has his own place. Missed all of ATH and PTI. So's the reason why I didn't post yesterday. Oh well...

Raining over here today. I don't mind it one bit. Means it isn't crazy hot and the wind is cool. It's like September all over again. That has to be my favorite month. That or October.

How about those Pistons? I don't think they will win the series, but I did say they would win one or two games. I know I know, back when the Lakers faced Philly they went down 0 - 1, still won the championship. But I just have to root for the underdog right now.

Otherwise, not alot going on. Fixing up my room, getting into the flow. Go to bed at 4, wake up at 12. So nice to be me...

Friday, June 4


Just doing a quick post for the day. I've got about 25 minutes before class, and I'm going to see if I can sneak in some lunch. Gettin' hungry.

As I said, no posts for the weekend. Unless I have a really really good reason to.

Only thing that sucks pretty bad is that thee computers don't have AIM, so I can't talk to most of my peoples. That's 'cause I don't use phones. Well, hardly at all. Note my overuse of the apostrophe.


Thursday, June 3

Alright already...

After long enough, I'm finally getting a post in. Been at the apartment for a while now. Still setting up my room. Miguel the Third is getting bigger already, but it's not like he's walking around and stuff. Kid's only a couple of weeks old.

Started my first class, which is from 2:30 to 4pm. Sucks. Brit Lit. Sucks bad. And the guy appears to be 'flaming.' I mean, come on, khaki shorts with a purple polo tucked in. Yea, it sucks.

Weather is getting hotter. Although on Monday there was marble-sized hail falling. It was pretty sweet. First time I've seen hail like that.

Otherwise, just keeping up with the news all around. It's getting time for me to head back home. I'll be setting up that cable internet eventually. Maybe next week, I dunno. Until then, I'm stuck posting from the computer labs here on campus. Which means afternoon posts and only on weekdays. Oh well, better than nothing I suppose.